正在修復磁碟錯誤 這可能要超過一個小時才能完成 Scanning and Repairing Drive in windows 10
(2022/01 更新: 目前 Windows 開機如果有跳出 "幾秒內按任意鍵可以跳過磁碟檢查" 按下任意鍵就可以跳過)
(2022/01 update : currently Windows when start it shows "In x seconds press any key to jump disk scanniing" then press any key could skip)
(2024/09 更新: 有磁碟相關錯誤, 但重開機幾次後突然沒有錯誤, 可以正常開機登入, 過了幾天又有錯誤, 重開又沒有錯誤, 可能是 SSD 漸漸接近整顆壞掉的跡象, 磁區損毀越來越多, 使用 逐漸整顆都不能讀取, 系統有時會突然當住一兩分鐘, 然後又恢復可以繼續使用, 過了一陣子又當住, 或原本開檔案總管或其他程式正常, 突然會有時跳出讀取錯誤的 系統 error 灰小視窗, 也有可能 SSD 準備壞掉, 建議先整顆SSD備份至另一顆, 在繼續使用, 參考這篇文章 )
(2024/09 update : message like "disk error", but restart several times then no error, could normal log in, few days later the error again, restart then no error, it is possibly the circumstance that the SSD is nearly whole broken, disk sector borken count is continue increase, gradually whole disk is not readable, when using system, sometimes screen frozen stuck for 1, 2 mins, then recover nomal, the after a while frozen again, or if before open explorer or other program normal, suddenly sometimes a gray little box appear says "read file error parameter null", might also a sign of SSD is going to broken, suggest backup all SSD to another SSD, then continue to use, reference to this article, please google translate it. )
今天開機後畫面出現 "正在修復磁碟錯誤 這可能要超過一個小時才能完成" ,
Today I open computer and it shows " Scanning and Repairing Drive in windows 10 , need more than 1 hour",
我先放著讓它跑,接著過了十幾分鐘之後,它自動重新開機,接著轉圈出現幾秒後,突然就顯示藍屏,正在收集錯誤資訊,藍畫面過了之後,又會重新開機,然後又會進到 "正在修復磁碟錯誤 這可能要超過一個小時才能完成" ,我繼續放著讓他跑了幾個小時,就是一直在這個循環無限輪迴,
I let it running, after 10 minutes, it auto restart, and circling for seconds, suddenly Blue Screen shows and says collecting error info, and Blue Screen complete, it restart again, and again showing " Scanning and Repairing Drive in windows 10 , need more than 1 hour",
於是我開始 google 解法,發現有些文章說用 cmd 執行 chkdsk,或用安全模式開機,或是進入 Windows修復環境(Windows RE),方法是 開機 > 長按電源鍵十秒關機 > 開機 > 長按電源鍵十秒關機 > 開機,重複兩到三次會自動進入 Windows修復環境(Windows RE) ,但是我試了沒有進入 WindowsRE ,所以我就一直被卡在開機階段沒辦法動
Then I start google solution, I find some article says use cmd execute "chkdsk", or open Windows in Safe Mode , or by Start computer > Hold down the power button for 10s to shut down the computer > Start computer > Hold down the power button for 10s to shut down the computer , repeat 2~3 times, it'll enter Windows RE, but after trying my computer doesn't go into Windows RE, so I'm stuck in the computer starting satage, cannot login or else.
想了很久,我想到好像有文章提到可以用 開機 USB,所以我用我之前製作的 Windows 10 開機 USB ,然後到開機的時候按 Delete 會出現的 Boot 設定選單畫面,調整開機順序用 USB 開機,接著會進入Windows 安裝畫面,按下一步,接著左下角會出現一行小字 "修復Windows",點進去就可以進入類似 Windows RE 的藍色選單畫面,接下來選擇"疑難排解",再按 "系統還原",會進入還原畫面,有三個選項,兩個是昨天的還原點,一個是四天前的還原點,我的電腦四天前還正常,所以選擇四天前的還原點,然後按下一步,接著他跳出偵測到磁碟有錯誤,需進行修復,點選修復讓他跑,這次的修復比較友善,是一個一般小視窗裡面進度條在跑的,不是開機那種黑白修復畫面,讓它跑完修復之後,這邊它比較好,顯示已修復完成沒有錯誤,看到這個訊息真感動,接著按上一步回到還原點選擇,再選一次還原點,然後點下一步,這次就成功可以繼續還原,接著放著讓他跑完還原,然後會重開機,重開機時一樣進到 Boot 畫面,開機順序改回用 Hard Disk 硬碟開機,我有發現這邊顯示的 Boot 名稱變了,可能修復的時候有修正 Boot ,接著儲存 Boot 設定重開機,這次總算正常重開,可以登入了,真是好加在,省掉幾個小時跑維修據點
And I think for a long time, an article says can try Windows 10 Bootable USB , so I use one I make before, and when start computer, press delete button to enter the Boot Option Menu, and adjust the start order to use USB as First Order, and start computer with USB, then the Windows Install Screen show, and click Next Step, and in the left button corner, click the small words "Repair Windows", and then it goto the Screen like Windows RE, then click "Trouble Shooting" , and Click "Windows Restore/Recovery", and it shows 3 recovery point, 2 are yesterday and 1 is four days ago, 4 days ago I can start normally, so I choose 4 days ago, and click next, then it shows it detects C:\ disk is broken, nee to repair, then I click repair, then it start to repair, it's better here it'showing a small window and progressbar, not the start computer black white screen, after few minutes it says it repair succesfully, Good Job, and click back to previous step, choose restore point, and click next, this time it start to restore, and after complete restore, it auto restart the, again go into Boot Menu and adjust start order use Hard Disk first, and restart PC again, this time it succesfully pass start and show the login scrren, finaally I can normally enter my win10 ccopmuter and use normally, thank God, I save hours no need to run to the repairing computer store to fix my pc.