oracle weblogic The input line is too long path_result

  • 40
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  • 2024-02-02

oracle weblogic The input line is too long. path_result=

when install oracle weblogic, get an error : The input line is too long. path_result=

from the title of cmd, it's running "C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\oracle_common\common\bin\config.cmd",

the .cmd file is little complicated, just from the error message, the value of path_result is like the environment variable Path,

thus guess it's using Path and somehow it is unable receive long path,

modify the Path shorter, and rerun weblogic installer jar, it successfully pass installer process and bring up the config wizard window.

here are the steps:

  1. in the windows environment variable, backup Path original long value
  2. modify value to short value less than 2048
  3. path C:\WINDOWS\system32 is necessary in follow-up config process, using findstr command
  4. path C:\Program Files\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath; maybe related
  5. restart pc to let short path take effect
  6. delete C:\Oracle to uninstall weblogic, then run installer jar to install again, then after install process, finish button should bring up configuration wizard window
  7. if restore long value later, consider use regedit to modify path
  8. then restart computer