[Delphi]在DBGrid 畫上 可視元件(這裡用Button來實作)
1: //重新繼承TInfoDBGrid
2: TInfoDBGrid=class(InfoCtrls.TInfoDBGrid)
3: Private
4: FRowHeight : Integer ;
5: Protected
6: Procedure SetRowHeight(Value:Integer);
7: Public
8: // The inherited method is declared as protected.
9: // Used Reintroduce to hide compiler warnings.
10: Function CellRect(ACol,ARow : Longint):TRect; Reintroduce;
11: // Expose Row and Col properties
12: Property Row ;
13: Property Col ;
14: //讓dbgrid支援滑鼠滑輪
15: function DoMouseWheel(Shift: TShiftState; WheelDelta: Integer; MousePos: TPoint): Boolean; override;
16: Published
17: Property RowHeight : Integer Read FRowHeight Write SetRowHeight ;
18: End;
19: //實作內容
20: { TInfoDBGrid 重新繼承}
21: function TInfoDBGrid.CellRect(ACol, ARow: Integer): TRect;
22: begin
23: Result := Inherited CellRect(ACol, ARow);
24: end;
26: procedure TInfoDBGrid.SetRowHeight(Value: Integer);
27: begin
28: If FRowHeight <> Value Then Begin
29: FRowHeight := Value ;
30: DefaultRowHeight := FRowHeight ;
31: // Force Grid to update the RowCount.
32: // The method I need to call is
33: // UpdateRowCount, but it's declared
34: // as private in the parent. This
35: // calls it by making the grid think it has
36: // been resized.
37: If Self.DataLink.Active Then Begin
38: Perform(WM_SIZE,0,0);
39: End;
40: End;
41: end;
43: function TInfoDBGrid.DoMouseWheel(Shift: TShiftState; WheelDelta: Integer;MousePos: TPoint): Boolean;
44: begin
45: if WheelDelta > 0 then
46: DataSource.DataSet.Prior;
47: if wheelDelta < 0 then
48: DataSource.DataSet.Next;
49: end;
1: procedure TfmXFlowFillForm.grdViewDrawColumnCell(Sender: TObject;
2: const Rect: TRect; DataCol: Integer; Column: TColumn;
3: State: TGridDrawState);
4: //依欄位名,回傳Column-Index
5: function ColIndexOf(const DBGrid : TInfoDBGrid; const fieldName : string):Integer ;
6: var
7: iColumn : integer;
8: idx : integer;
9: begin
10: icolumn := 0;
11: for idx:= 0 to DBGrid.Columns.Count -1 do
12: begin
13: if DBGrid.Columns[idx].FieldName = fieldName then
14: begin
15: iColumn := idx;
16: Break;
17: end;
18: end;
19: Result:= iColumn;
20: end;
21: //功能同 dbgrid.selectedIndex
23: Var DataRect : TRect ;
24: Begin
25: //資料為空時,Column、button進行隱藏※要自己找時機點 “顯示button”
26: if grdView.DataSource.DataSet.IsEmpty then begin
27: btnView.Visible:= False;
28: btnWithDraw.Visible:= btnView.Visible;
29: grdView.Columns[ColIndexOf(grdView,'FnView')].Visible:= btnView.Visible;
30: grdView.Columns[ColIndexOf(grdView,'FnWithDraw')].Visible:= btnView.Visible;
31: end;
33: //取出grdView-Column"FnView"的座標
34: With grdView Do Begin
35: DataRect := CellRect(ColIndexOf(grdView,'FnView')+1,Row);
36: End;
37: // 指定button的parent(grdView)
38: If btnView.Parent <> grdView Then
39: btnView.Parent := grdView ;
40: // 設定button的座標
41: with btnView do begin
42: Top := DataRect.Top ;
43: Left := (DataRect.Right - Width) ;
44: Height := (DataRect.Bottom-DataRect.Top);
45: Width := (DataRect.Right-DataRect.Left);
46: end;
49: //取出grdView-Column"FnWithDraw"的座標
50: With grdView Do Begin
51: DataRect := CellRect(ColIndexOf(grdView,'FnWithDraw')+1,Row);
52: End;
53: // 指定button的parent(grdView)
54: If btnWithDraw.Parent <> grdView Then
55: btnWithDraw.Parent := grdView ;
56: // 設定button的座標
57: with btnWithDraw do begin
58: Top := DataRect.Top ;
59: Left := (DataRect.Right - Width) ;
60: Height := (DataRect.Bottom-DataRect.Top);
61: Width := (DataRect.Right-DataRect.Left);
62: end;
64: end;