[VB.NET]使用NPOI將Excel匯入(xls and xlsx 格式)範例

使用NPOI將Excel匯入(xls and xlsx 格式)範例



Public Function ReadExcelToDatatable(ByRef page As Page, ByRef fileup As FileUpload) As System.Data.DataTable
        Dim ds As New DataSet()
        Dim DT As New System.Data.DataTable
            Dim savePath As String = page.MapPath("~/temp/")
            If (fileup.HasFile) Then
                Dim fileName As String = fileup.FileName
                Dim extension As String = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(fileName)
                Dim IDName As String = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString() & extension
                savePath = savePath & IDName
                Dim file As New FileStream(savePath, FileMode.Open)
                Dim workbook As IWorkbook = WorkbookFactory.Create(file)
                For sheetIndex As Integer = 0 To workbook.NumberOfSheets - 1
                    Dim sheet As ISheet = workbook.GetSheetAt(sheetIndex)
                    Dim dtNew As DataTable = ds.Tables.Add(workbook.GetSheetName(sheetIndex))
                    Dim excelRow As IRow = sheet.GetRow(0)
                    Dim excelCell As ICell 
                    Dim formulaEvaluator As HSSFFormulaEvaluator = Nothing
                    If excelRow IsNot Nothing Then
                        For columnIndex As Integer = 0 To excelRow.LastCellNum - 1
                            excelCell = excelRow.GetCell(columnIndex)
                            If excelCell IsNot Nothing Then
                                Dim dc As New DataColumn(excelCell.ToString())
                            End If
                        Dim rowId As Integer = 0
                        Dim hasData As Boolean
                        While rowId <= sheet.LastRowNum - 1
                            Dim newRow As DataRow = dtNew.NewRow()
                            rowId += 1
                            hasData = False
                            For colIndex As Integer = 0 To dtNew.Columns.Count - 1
                                excelRow = sheet.GetRow(rowId)
                                If (excelRow Is Nothing) Then
                                    Continue While
                                End If
                                excelCell = excelRow.GetCell(colIndex)
                                '若第一個 Cell 是 Nothing 就濾掉這筆
                                If (excelCell Is Nothing AndAlso colIndex = 0) Then
                                    Continue While
                                End If
                                If (excelCell IsNot Nothing) Then
                                    Dim strVal As String
                                    If excelCell.CellType = NPOI.SS.UserModel.CellType.FORMULA Then
                                        If formulaEvaluator Is Nothing Then
                                            formulaEvaluator = New HSSFFormulaEvaluator(sheet, workbook)
                                        End If
                                        strVal = formulaEvaluator.Evaluate(excelCell).FormatAsString()
                                    ElseIf excelCell.CellType = NPOI.SS.UserModel.CellType.NUMERIC _
                                            AndAlso NPOI.SS.UserModel.DateUtil.IsValidExcelDate(excelCell.NumericCellValue) _
                                            AndAlso NPOI.SS.UserModel.DateUtil.IsCellDateFormatted(excelCell) Then
                                        strVal = excelCell.DateCellValue.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")
                                    ElseIf excelCell.CellType = NPOI.SS.UserModel.CellType.NUMERIC Then
                                        strVal = excelCell.NumericCellValue
                                        strVal = excelCell.ToString()
                                    End If
                                    '若第一個 Cell 是空白值就濾掉這筆
                                    If (colIndex = 0 AndAlso String.IsNullOrEmpty(strVal.Trim())) Then
                                        Continue While
                                    End If
                                    newRow(dtNew.Columns(colIndex)) = strVal
                                    hasData = True
                                End If
                            If (hasData) Then
                            End If
                        End While
                    End If
                DT = ds.Tables(0)
                workbook = Nothing
                Return DT
                GIUtil.showMsg(page, "訊息", "== 請先挑選檔案之後,再來上傳!")
            End If
        Catch ex As Exception
            GIUtil.showMsg(page, "訊息", "== 匯入失敗!")
        End Try
    End Function