遠端支援工具分享- Microsoft SharedView

  • 5090
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  • 2011-05-24

Microsoft SharedView 是一個在任何時間、任何地點都可以和多個朋友們快速、簡單的共用文件和螢幕的軟體。

Microsoft SharedView 是一個在任何時間、任何地點都可以和多個朋友們快速、簡單的共用文件和螢幕的軟體。



  • Windows 7 (Service Pack 1 沒測過, IE9 會造成 Crash 衝突)
  • Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1
  • Windows Vista Home Premium
  • Windows Vista Service Pack 1
  • Windows Vista Ultimate
  • Windows XP Service Pack 3

它可以讓多達15個處於不同區域的人共用螢幕和文件。User 可以透過發送 email 或者 IM 方式發送共用邀請。




Download SharedView Today


注意 : 使用 SharedView 前需註冊 Live ID

Here are 3 simple but powerful SharedView actions:
CONNECT - Connect with up to 15 people in different locations and invite them to share with you.

Invite Others

Create, convey, and communicate across physical boundaries, through firewalls, and down to the smallest details.

SHOW - Share, review, and update documents with multiple people in real-time.


Do you want to see just how easy it can be to work together using SharedView? Take a look at Leann's team-people who like to lead by example.

SHARE - with up to 15 people in a session. Anyone can share, and the person sharing can give control to anyone else.


SharedView is so easy to use that you may not need any assistance with using SharedView but just in case you do, here are some details on how to use SharedView.


參考連結 : http://connect.microsoft.com/site94