Windows Phone - 取得相關設備的資訊
Property Name | Description |
ApplicationCurrentMemoryUsage | 回傳應用程式目前記憶體的使用量,以bytes為單位。 |
ApplicationMemoryUsageLimit | 回傳應用程式可以分配的大小記憶體量,以bytes為單位。 |
ApplicationPeakMemoryUsage | 回傳當前應用程式的尖峰記憶體使用量,以bytes為單位。 |
DeviceFirmwareVersion | 回傳設備上運行的固件版本。 |
DeviceHardwareVersion | 回傳設備上運行的硬體版本。 |
DeviceManufacturer | 回傳設備製造商的名稱。 |
DeviceName | 回傳設備的名稱。 |
DeviceTotalMemory | 回傳該設備實際RAM的大小,以bytes為單位。 |
IsKeyboardDeployed | 指示使用者是否已部署設備的物理硬體鍵盤。 |
IsKeyboardPresent | 指示該設備是否包涵一個物理硬體鍵盤。 |
PowerSource | 指示該設備是目前正在使用電池電源運行還是插入到外部電源供電。 |
Event Name | Description |
KeyboardDeployedChanged | 事件發生在鍵盤被開啟或關閉。 |
PowerSourceChanged | 事件發生在設備電源狀態改變時。 |
a. 取得設備資訊;
b. 在lock screen外運行App中擷取資訊;
例如像Alarm或Travel類型的App在Lock Screen顯示時間、日期的情況可擷取如電力資訊(PowerSource)或改變的事件(PowerSourceChanged);
c. 檢查是否有鍵盤可使用;
d. 監控記憶體使用狀況;
監控記憶體的尖峰使用量。如果您發現自己的App記憶體用率符合「section 5.2 of Technical certification requirements for Windows Phone」,
您可能需要更詳細測試記憶體的使用狀況。例如:可追蹤Pages與User Controls為主要對象,如果過多將會造成大量使用記憶體問題,
*雖然DeviceStatus可擷取到設備原始的資料,但不應該直接顯示給使用者知道,應該是搭配Web Service或將資料整理成有用的資訊,
[程式範例] (參考How to use the DeviceStatus class for Windows Phone 8)
1. 擷取DevieStatus提供的設備資訊;
public MainPage()
// 註冊鍵盤與電力的event handlers
DeviceStatus.PowerSourceChanged += new EventHandler(DeviceStatus_PowerSourceChanged);
DeviceStatus.KeyboardDeployedChanged += new EventHandler(DeviceStatus_KeyboardDeployedChanged);
// 取得DevieStatus提供的設備資訊
// 取得製造商的名稱
deviceManufacturerTextBlock.Text = DeviceStatus.DeviceManufacturer;
// 取得設備的名稱
deviceNameTextBlock.Text = DeviceStatus.DeviceName;
// 取得設備的固件版本
deviceFirmwareVersionTextBlock.Text = DeviceStatus.DeviceFirmwareVersion;
// 取得設備的硬體版本
deviceHardwareVersionTextBlock.Text = DeviceStatus.DeviceHardwareVersion;
// 取得設備總記憶體(bytes)
deviceTotalMemoryTextBlock.Text = string.Format("{0} MB", ConvertBytesToMegabytes(DeviceStatus.DeviceTotalMemory).ToString());
// 取得目前App使用的記憶體量(bytes)
appCurrentMemoryUsageTextBlock.Text = string.Format("{0} MB", ConvertBytesToMegabytes(DeviceStatus.ApplicationCurrentMemoryUsage).ToString());
// 取得App可用最大記憶體量(bytes)
appMemoryUsageLimitTextBlock.Text = string.Format("{0} MB", ConvertBytesToMegabytes(DeviceStatus.ApplicationMemoryUsageLimit).ToString());
// 取得應用程式的尖峰記憶體使用量(bytes)
appPeakMemoryUsageTextBlock.Text = string.Format("{0} MB", ConvertBytesToMegabytes(DeviceStatus.ApplicationPeakMemoryUsage).ToString());
// 取得設備是否包涵一個物理硬體鍵盤
isKeyboardPresentTextBlock.Text = DeviceStatus.IsKeyboardPresent.ToString();
// 取得是否已部署設備的物理硬體鍵盤
isKeyboardDeployedTextBlock.Text = DeviceStatus.IsKeyboardDeployed.ToString();
// 取得目前正在使用電池電源運行還是插入到外部電源供電
powerSourceTextBlock.Text = DeviceStatus.PowerSource.ToString();
2. 針對鍵盤與電力事件的處理;
void DeviceStatus_PowerSourceChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
// The PowerSourceChanged event is not raised on the UI thread,
// so the Dispatcher must be invoked to update the Text property.
this.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
powerSourceTextBlock.Text = DeviceStatus.PowerSource.ToString();
void DeviceStatus_KeyboardDeployedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
// The KeyboardDeployedChanged event is not raised on the UI thread,
// so the Dispatcher must be invoked to update the Text property.
this.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
isKeyboardDeployedTextBlock.Text = DeviceStatus.IsKeyboardDeployed.ToString();
/// <summary>
/// 轉換bytes為megabytes
/// </summary>
/// <param name="bytes"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private double ConvertBytesToMegabytes(long bytes)
return (bytes / 1024f) / 1024f;
txtDeviceID.Text = Windows.Phone.System.Analytics.HostInformation.PublisherHostId;
至於WP8.1之後呢?請參考<Guidance on using the App Specific Hardware ID (ASHWID) to implement per-device app logic>。
藉由二個方法:GetValue(propertyName)與TryGetValue(propertyName, out propertyValue)來嘗試取得指定propertyName的Value。
Property name |
Value type |
Description |
ApplicationCurrentMemoryUsage |
A long integer. |
建議改用DeviceStatus.ApplicationCurrentMemoryUsage。 |
ApplicationPeakMemoryUsage |
A long integer. |
建議改用DeviceStatus.ApplicationPeakMemoryUsage。 |
ApplicationWorkingSetLimit |
A long integer. |
The working set limit in bytes.(工作集限制以位元組為單位。)
This property applies to Windows Phone OS 7.1 and higher. |
DeviceFirmwareVersion |
A string. |
取得值是一個System.Version的格式,採用遞增的方式顯示。這不是必需的。此值可能為空。 建議改用DeviceStatus.DeviceFirmwareVersion。 |
DeviceHardwareVersion |
A string. |
硬體版本運行的設備。這不是的 OS 版本,可利用System.Environment來擷取。取得值是一個System.Version的格式,採用遞增的方式顯示。這不是必需的。此值可能為空。
建議改用DeviceStatus.DeviceHardwareVersionDeviceHardwareVersion。 |
DeviceManufacturer |
A string. 256 characters maximum. |
The name of the manufacturer of the device. There is no standard format for this string. We recommend that the same value be used by every device from a manufacturer, but this is not enforced. This value may be empty. This property is deprecated. Use the DeviceManufacturer property instead. |
DeviceName |
A string. 256 characters maximum. |
The name of the device. There is no standard format for this string. This value may be empty. This property is deprecated. Use the DeviceName property instead. |
DeviceTotalMemory |
A long integer. |
The physical RAM size of the device in bytes. This value will be less than the actual amount of device memory, but can be used for determining memory consumption requirements. This property is deprecated. Use the DeviceTotalMemory property instead. |
DeviceUniqueId |
A byte array. 20 bytes in length. |
A unique hash for the device.
This value is constant and does not change if the phone is updated with a new version of the operating system. Don’t use DeviceUniqueId in your apps to identify users. The device ID remains unchanged even if ownership of the device is transferred. |
IsApplicationPreInstalled |
A Boolean value. |
Indicates whether the app was pre-installed with the device image. Apps that are downloaded from the Windows Phone Store always return a value of false. |
OriginalMobileOperatorName |
A string. |
A string that represents the mobile operator's name. |
PhysicalScreenResolution |
Size |
A Size value containing the height and width of the device’s screen. |
RawDpiX |
Double |
A Double containing the raw number of pixels along the horizontal axis of the screen; when this value is not available, it returns 0.0 |
RawDpiY |
Double |
A Double containing the raw number of pixels along the vertical axis of the screen; when this value is not available, it returns 0.0 |
Exception | Condition |
ArgumentNullException | 指定的propertyName是null。 |
ArgumentOutOfRangeException | 指定的propertyName不存在。 |
UnauthorizedAccessException | 未開啟指定的Capability無法擷取資料。 |
NotSupportedException | 指定的propertyName不支援無法被擷取。 |
所以不建議直接用來當識別User的方式,假設真的需要可以參考「how to get unique device id for Windows 8 and Windows Phone app」,
》How to use the DeviceStatus class for Windows Phone 8 (重要) & SampleCode
》Device status for Windows Phone 8 (重要)
》App capabilities and hardware requirements for Windows Phone 8 (重要)
》DeviceExtendedProperties Class
》Finding the Device Model on Windows Phone 7
》how to get unique device id for Windows 8 and Windows Phone app
》Get Unique Device ID (UDID) under Windows Phone 8
》Device status for Windows Phone 8
》EvenTiles and 256-MB Windows Phone Devices
》Technical certification requirements for Windows Phone (重要)
》Guidance on using the App Specific Hardware ID (ASHWID) to implement per-device app logic (重要)
》HardwareIdentification.GetPackageSpecificToken | getPackageSpecificToken method