1. Add Reference... Interop.LabelManager2.dll, dll與.exe相同目錄
2. Lppx2.tlb與.exe相同目錄
3..NET Framework 3.5
1. Add Reference... Interop.LabelManager2.dll, dll與.exe相同目錄
2. Lppx2.tlb與.exe相同目錄
3..NET Framework 3.5
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel get_Range
MSSQL Alter DBName
Upload to Google Drive
tenant responsibilities
landlord, landlady responsibilities
Own: my own house
Rent: landlord’s house
Abbreviation: one word for short, e.g. Mr., lrg.(large), w/(with), w/o(without)
Acronym: many words for short, U.S.A.
*first/firstly/first of all
*second/secondly/second of all
*then/*next/*after that
cash: coins, bills
currently: gold, silver
charge(pay with) my credit/debit card
credit card: buy now pay later
debit card: buy now pay now
max out a credit card
empty a debit card
(be) declined
withdraw/deposit money from ATM
money transfer
PIN, Personal Identification Number
cash a check/lottery
check bounce(s) (v)
cashier’s(bank) check
Comparative and Superlative
consonant+vowel+consonant: repeat the last word + er/est
end with y: remove y + ier/iest
>= two syllables: more/less/most + adj
bigger, biggest
redder, reddest
thinner, thinnest
dirtier, dirtiest
yummier, yummiest
more/less/most yellow
more/less/most American/Taiwanese
What are advertisements?
Messages from companies to consumers, can be products or services.
Where can you find them?
billboard(not bulletin board), everywhere in our life
Goods & Services
Good: you pay yourself to buy it, always sell at a store
Service: you pay someone else to do it, always at a shop
0~9及A~Z一共是10+26=36碼, 但0與O及1與I太像所以不用
必須開啟Trace Flags 1222才會寫ErrorLog, 此外, Deadlock必須返回錯誤, 才會寫ErrorLog, 但一般若沒設Deadlock Priority或Timeout, Process們會互咬不放, 根本不會返回錯誤
摘要:[C#] Excel to DataTable by Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel
摘要:[MSSQL] sp_password
摘要:[C#] 字串處理
摘要:Full Backup and Restore
摘要:[MSSQL] syscomments V sysjobsteps