Goods & Services
Good: you pay yourself to buy it, always sell at a store
Service: you pay someone else to do it, always at a shop
Manufacturer: Coke, Pepsi
Distributor: Soda
Store/Shop/Seller: 7-11
Consumer: People
hypermarket: walmart, bigger than supermarket
supermarket: Carrefour
wholesaler: Costco, sell a package of …
grocery store
convenience store: 7-11
(traditional) market
bakery: (loafs of) bread(s)
drugstore: Watsons, also sell personal care products
pharmacy: fill/refill prescription, sell prescription medicine, always in the hospital
laundromat: self-services laundry, clothes washed
dry cleaners: clean clothes, NOT wash clothes, wash need water
tailors: pants hemmed
jewelry store
department store
mall: many stores/doors in one building
electronic store
appliances store: fridge
furniture store
hardware store: B&Q, sell screws and nails
locksmith: keys made
contractor: carpenter (wood), painter, electrician, plumber,
garage: car fixed
auto shop: car washed
gas station: gas tank filled up
service station
car wash
bank: check cashed
the post office: send/receive packages/mail, sell stamps
office supply store
stationary store
hair salon: hair cut
Q: Where did you buy product?
Q: Where can I buy product?
A: You can buy product at a/an any place,
A: You can buy product at the specific place, at the post office
A: You can buy product at name, at ikea
Q: Where did/do/can I get service done?
A: You got/get/can get service done at a/an any place
A: You got/get/can get service done at the specific place
A: You got/get/can get service done at name
Where did you get your prescription filled?
I got mine filled at a pharmacy.
Where do you get your packages mailed?
I get mine mailed at the post office.
Where can I get your gas tank filled up?
You can get yours filled up at a CPC.
I bought betel nuts at a betel net stand on the street.
I get my spirit and soul renewed at Longshan temple.