[Xamarin] 用 tesseract 開發 OCR 時,出現 Data file not found 之錯誤訊息

用 Xarmarin.tesseract 開發 OCR 程式時,tessdata 已放到方案總管了,但是執行還是出錯,輸出視窗出現如下面的錯誤訊息

Data file not found at /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/APPNAME/files/tessdata/eng.traineddata
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Data file not found at /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/APPNAME/files/tessdata/eng.traineddata


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[Xamarin] 編譯部屬APP時,出現 This might be due to an invalid debug instalation 訊息


05-27 08:26:41.921 F/monodroid-assembly(29783): Could not load assembly 'fushengApp' during startup registration.
05-27 08:26:41.921 F/monodroid-assembly(29783): This might be due to an invalid debug instalation.
05-27 08:26:41.921 F/monodroid-assembly(29783): A common cause is to 'adb install' the app directly instead of doing from the IDE.

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