VHD 開機@WIN XP – SharePoint 2010 開發外傳

  • 13652
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  • 2011-07-19

上週五參加 聖哥 主講的 SharePoint 2010 與軟體工程
其中討論到開發環境的建立, 聖哥建議可用 VHD 掛載的方式來安裝
以這種方式來開發, 若 MOSS Server 玩掛了, 重Mount就好了~
Search到 MS 有提供 MOSS 2010 的 Demo Machine, 下載下來
連安裝 及 Licence 都省了,不過檔案有點多和大(20個File, 約13.6GB)
僅需下載 2010-7a 的就好~

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[Dynamics CRM]Running other web applications inside (32 or 64 bit)

  • 3958
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  • 2011-10-14

As I mentioned in my previous post (here) we have been trying to run our custom CRM extensions inside the main IIS website (IIS 7.0) for Dynamics CRM 4.0. This means that when publishing the website to the Internet we don’t have any issues with users making requests to different sites etc… In this post I’ll run through the solution I found for running custom aspx & asp pages in separate web applications under the main CRM website as well as talking about the issues I encountered along the way. I

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