Windows Phone 7 - 學習Live SDK - 2

Windows Phone 7 - 學習Live SDK - 2

在<Windows Phone 7 - 學習Live SDK>一文中介紹了操作Live SDK基本的觀念與參數的使用方式,

因此,本篇內容將著重在實作的範例上,話不多說,本篇主要說明透過Live SDK來存取Skydrive與Calendar為例。


〉範例1 – 存取SkyDrive

    往下針對Skydrive的存取範例,需先定義「Scopes」,讓Live Connect知道需要提供存取的範圍,接下來




   1: //加上wl.skydrive, wl.skydrive_update,,才能R/W Skydrive的內容。
   2: <my:SignInButton Name="btnLogin" 
   3:      Scopes="wl.signin wl.basic wl.offline_access wl.skydrive wl.skydrive_update" 
   4:      SessionChanged="btnLogin_SessionChanged" 
   5:      HorizontalAlignment="Left"
   6:      ClientId="00000000480715FF"                              
   7:      />

    0000 有關Scope的定義,即會出現在登入Live Connection時出現。


a. 取得自己的所有SkyDrvice資料夾清單

    a-1. 為SignInButton的SessionChanged註冊GetCompleted:

   1: private void btnLogin_SessionChanged(object sender, LiveConnectSessionChangedEventArgs e)
   2: {
   3:     if (e != null && e.Session != null && e.Status == LiveConnectSessionStatus.Connected)
   4:     {
   5:         this.gLiveClient = new LiveConnectClient(e.Session);
   6:         this.gLiveClient.GetCompleted += OnGetConnectionCompleted;
   7:         //註冊處理上傳的事件
   8:         this.gLiveClient.UploadCompleted += new EventHandler<LiveOperationCompletedEventArgs>(gLiveClient_UploadCompleted);
   9:         this.gLiveClient.UploadProgressChanged += new EventHandler<LiveUploadProgressChangedEventArgs>(gLiveClient_UploadProgressChanged);
  10:         //用戶在Skydrive中的資料夾。它能包括:photos、videos、audios、files與子資料夾的組合資訊。 
  11:         this.gLiveClient.GetAsync("/me/skydrive/files", null);
  12:         gActionTarget = "/me/skydrive/files";
  13:     }
  14:     else
  15:     {
  16:         this.gLiveClient = null;
  17:         if (e.Error != null)
  18:             MessageBox.Show(e.Error.Message.ToString());
  19:     }
  20: }

    a-2. 取得回傳結果;

   1: {
   2:    "data": [
   3:       {
   4:          "id": "folder.d3b0749cf3ca9d66.D3B0749CF3CA9D66!965", 
   5:          "from": {
   6:             "name": "Pou", 
   7:             "id": ""
   8:          }, 
   9:          "name": "Home page photos", 
  10:          "description": null, 
  11:          "parent_id": "folder.d3b0749cf3ca9d66", 
  12:          "upload_location": "!965/files/", 
  13:          "is_embeddable": true, 
  14:          "count": 1, 
  15:          "link": "\u003dd3b0749cf3ca9d66\u0026page\u003dview\u0026resid\u003dD3B0749CF3CA9D66!965\u0026parid\u003dD3B0749CF3CA9D66!262", 
  16:          "type": "album", 
  17:          "shared_with": {
  18:             "access": "Just me"
  19:          }, 
  20:          "created_time": "2008-12-09T14:13:51+0000", 
  21:          "updated_time": "2008-12-09T16:20:28+0000"
  22:       }, {
  23:          "id": "folder.d3b0749cf3ca9d66.D3B0749CF3CA9D66!1313", 
  24:          "from": {
  25:             "name": "Pou Lin", 
  26:             "id": "d3b0749cf3ca9d66"
  27:          }, 
  28:          "name": "Android", 
  29:          "description": null, 
  30:          "parent_id": "folder.d3b0749cf3ca9d66", 
  31:          "upload_location": "!1313/files/", 
  32:          "is_embeddable": true, 
  33:          "count": 6, 
  34:          "link": "\u003dd3b0749cf3ca9d66\u0026page\u003dview\u0026resid\u003dD3B0749CF3CA9D66!1313\u0026parid\u003dD3B0749CF3CA9D66!262", 
  35:          "type": "album", 
  36:          "shared_with": {
  37:             "access": "Just me"
  38:          }, 
  39:          "created_time": "2011-08-21T16:50:51+0000", 
  40:          "updated_time": "2011-08-21T17:00:14+0000"
  41:       }
  42:    ]
  43: }

     a-3. 將回傳結果實作至ListBox上;

   1: private void OnGetConnectionCompleted(object sender, LiveOperationCompletedEventArgs e)
   2: {
   3:     if (e.Error == null)
   4:     {
   5:         //識別與建立Skydrive的主目錄清單
   6:         if (gActionTarget.ToLower().Contains("skydrive") == true)
   7:         {
   8:             BuildListItems(e, lstFolders);
   9:             return;
  10:         }
  11:         //識別與建立指定目錄下的所有清單
  12:         if (gActionTarget.ToLower().Contains("files") == true)
  13:         {
  14:             BuildListItems(e, lstFiles);
  15:             return;
  16:         }
  17:     }
  18:     else
  19:     {
  20:         if (e.Error != null)
  21:             MessageBox.Show(e.Error.Message.ToString());
  22:     }
  23: }


b. 進入指定資料夾,並顯示所有檔案


    b-1. 實作ListBox的SelectionChanged,根據選定的folders載入所有檔案:

   1: private void lstFolder_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
   2: {
   3:     //取得指定folder中的files,格式:/FOLDER_ID/files 
   4:     string tId = ((ListDataItem) lstFolders.SelectedItem).id;
   5:     gActionTarget = string.Format("/{0}/files", tId);
   6:     this.gLiveClient.GetAsync(gActionTarget);
   7: }

    b-2. 取得回傳結果:

   1: {
   2:    "data": [
   3:       {
   4:          "id": "file.d3b0749cf3ca9d66.D3B0749CF3CA9D66!668", 
   5:          "from": {
   6:             "name": "Pou Lin", 
   7:             "id": ""
   8:          }, 
   9:          "name": "Silverlight.part3.rar", 
  10:          "description": "", 
  11:          "parent_id": "folder.d3b0749cf3ca9d66.D3B0749CF3CA9D66!667", 
  12:          "size": 38496350, 
  13:          "upload_location": "!668/content/", 
  14:          "comments_count": 0, 
  15:          "comments_enabled": false, 
  16:          "is_embeddable": true, 
  17:          "source": ",Default/Silverlight.part3.rar", 
  18:          "link": "\u003dd3b0749cf3ca9d66\u0026page\u003dview\u0026resid\u003dD3B0749CF3CA9D66!668\u0026parid\u003dD3B0749CF3CA9D66!667", 
  19:          "type": "file", 
  20:          "shared_with": {
  21:             "access": "Just me"
  22:          }, 
  23:          "created_time": "2008-07-16T14:18:36+0000", 
  24:          "updated_time": "2008-07-16T14:18:36+0000"
  25:       }, {
  26:          "id": "file.d3b0749cf3ca9d66.D3B0749CF3CA9D66!669", 
  27:          "from": {
  28:             "name": "Pou Lin", 
  29:             "id": "d3b0749cf3ca9d66"
  30:          }, 
  31:          "name": "Silverlight.part1.rar", 
  32:          "description": "", 
  33:          "parent_id": "folder.d3b0749cf3ca9d66.D3B0749CF3CA9D66!667", 
  34:          "size": 50000000, 
  35:          "upload_location": "!669/content/", 
  36:          "comments_count": 0, 
  37:          "comments_enabled": false, 
  38:          "is_embeddable": true, 
  39:          "source": ",Default/Silverlight.part1.rar", 
  40:          "link": "\u003dd3b0749cf3ca9d66\u0026page\u003dview\u0026resid\u003dD3B0749CF3CA9D66!669\u0026parid\u003dD3B0749CF3CA9D66!667", 
  41:          "type": "file", 
  42:          "shared_with": {
  43:             "access": "Just me"
  44:          }, 
  45:          "created_time": "2008-07-16T14:21:57+0000", 
  46:          "updated_time": "2008-07-16T14:21:57+0000"
  47:       }, {
  48:          "id": "file.d3b0749cf3ca9d66.D3B0749CF3CA9D66!670", 
  49:          "from": {
  50:             "name": "Pou Lin", 
  51:             "id": ""
  52:          }, 
  53:          "name": "Silverlight.part2.rar", 
  54:          "description": "", 
  55:          "parent_id": "folder.d3b0749cf3ca9d66.D3B0749CF3CA9D66!667", 
  56:          "size": 50000000, 
  57:          "upload_location": "!670/content/", 
  58:          "comments_count": 0, 
  59:          "comments_enabled": false, 
  60:          "is_embeddable": true, 
  61:          "source": ",Default/Silverlight.part2.rar", 
  62:          "link": "\u003dd3b0749cf3ca9d66\u0026page\u003dview\u0026resid\u003dD3B0749CF3CA9D66!670\u0026parid\u003dD3B0749CF3CA9D66!667", 
  63:          "type": "file", 
  64:          "shared_with": {
  65:             "access": "Just me"
  66:          }, 
  67:          "created_time": "2008-07-16T14:25:24+0000", 
  68:          "updated_time": "2008-07-16T14:25:24+0000"
  69:       }
  70:    ]
  71: }



   b-3. 實作開啟PDF檔案;

   1: private void lstFiles_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
   2: {
   3:    //識別如果為pdf,則開啟
   4:    if (((ListDataItem)lstFiles.SelectedItem).source.Contains("pdf") == true)
   5:    {
   6:        //使用WebBrowserTask下載檔案
   7:        WebBrowserTask browseToPDF = new WebBrowserTask();
   8:        browseToPDF.Uri = new Uri(((ListDataItem)lstFiles.SelectedItem).source, UriKind.Absolute);
   9:        browseToPDF.Show();
  10:    }
  11: }


c. 上傳一份Word檔案,並使用微軟的SkyDrive來開啟

    c-1. 上傳放在專案中的Word檔案至指定的目錄;

   1: private void btnUploadFiles_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
   2: {
   3:     //從XAP檔中取得要上傳的資料,並且轉成Stream
   4:     string tWordFile = "WP7LiveSDK;component/Resources/buyPhone.docx";
   5:     Stream tStream = App.GetResourceStream(new Uri(tWordFile, UriKind.Relative)).Stream;
   7:     //使用UploadAsync只能指定me/skydrive
   8:     this.gLiveClient.UploadAsync("/me/skydrive", "購買手機指南.docx", tStream);
   9: }

    c-2. 回傳的結果;

   1: {
   2:    "id": "file.d3b0749cf3ca9d66.D3B0749CF3CA9D66!1334", 
   3:    "source": ",Default/%E8%B3%BC%E8%B2%B7%E6%89%8B%E6%A9%9F%E6%8C%87%E5%8D%97.docx"
   4: }

    c-3. 處理上傳完畢的事件;

   1: void gLiveClient_UploadCompleted(object sender, LiveOperationCompletedEventArgs e)
   2: {
   3:     if (e.Error == null)
   4:     {
   5:         MessageBox.Show("Upload Async成功,請重新載入資料夾!");
   6:     }
   7:     else
   8:     {
   9:         this.gLiveClient = null;
  10:         if (e.Error != null)
  11:             MessageBox.Show(e.Error.Message.ToString());
  12:     }
  13: }


d. 執行畫面

0000 0000



〉範例2 - 存取Calendar

    往下針對Calendar的存取範例,需先定義「Scopes」,讓Live Connect知道需要提供存取的範圍,接下來





   1: //加上wl.calendars wl.calendars_update wl.events_create,才能R/W行事曆的內容。
   2: <my:SignInButton Name="btnLogin" 
   3:      Scopes="wl.signin wl.basic wl.offline_access wl.calendars wl.calendars_update wl.events_create" 
   4:      SessionChanged="btnLogin_SessionChanged" 
   5:      HorizontalAlignment="Left"
   6:      ClientId="00000000480715FF"                              
   7:      />

    0000 有關Scope的定義,即會出現在登入Live Connection時出現。


a. 取得用戶的所有Calendar項目,並且顯示成清單

    a-1. 為SignInButton的SessionChanged註冊GetCompleted與PostCompleted處理常式;

   1: private void btnLogin_SessionChanged(object sender, LiveConnectSessionChangedEventArgs e)
   2: {
   3:     if (e != null && e.Session != null && e.Status == LiveConnectSessionStatus.Connected)
   4:     {
   5:         this.gLiveClient = new LiveConnectClient(e.Session);
   6:         //註冊處理取得Live Connection Data完成的事件
   7:         this.gLiveClient.GetCompleted += OnGetConnectionCompleted;
   8:         //註冊處理取得Post完成的事件
   9:         this.gLiveClient.PostCompleted += OnPostCompleted;
  10:         //暫存用於判斷要處理對象為:calendars或events
  11:         gActionTarget = "/me/calendars";
  12:         //取得用戶的行事曆
  13:         this.gLiveClient.GetAsync("/me/calendars", null);
  14:     }
  15:     else
  16:     {
  17:         this.gLiveClient = null;
  18:         if (e.Error != null)
  19:             MessageBox.Show(e.Error.Message.ToString());
  20:     }
  21: }

    a-2.  取得回傳的結果:

   1: {
   2:    "data": [
   3:       {
   4:          "id": "calendar.d3b0749cf3ca9d66.7ca1c238865546548896ca63720668f3", 
   5:          "name": "Work Calendar", 
   6:          "description": "", 
   7:          "created_time": "2012-03-31T03:16:58+0000", 
   8:          "updated_time": "2012-03-31T03:16:58+0000", 
   9:          "from": {
  10:             "name": "Pou", 
  11:             "id": ""
  12:          }, 
  13:          "is_default": false, 
  14:          "subscription_location": null, 
  15:          "permissions": "owner"
  16:       }, {
  17:          "id": "calendar.d3b0749cf3ca9d66.947c72bb3655411f8603f592cd172351", 
  18:          "name": "My Calendar", 
  19:          "description": null, 
  20:          "created_time": "2008-03-20T18:09:42+0000", 
  21:          "updated_time": "2010-01-03T15:49:48+0000", 
  22:          "from": {
  23:             "name": "Pou", 
  24:             "id": ""
  25:          }, 
  26:          "is_default": true, 
  27:          "subscription_location": null, 
  28:          "permissions": "owner"
  29:       }
  30:    ]
  31: }

    a-3. 針對取得的結果,將可用的行事曆放入ListBox

   1: private void OnGetConnectionCompleted(object sender, LiveOperationCompletedEventArgs e)
   2: {
   3:     //this.gLiveClient.GetCompleted -= OnGetConnectionCompleted;
   4:     if (e.Error == null)
   5:     {
   6:         //識別是否為行事曆的資料格式
   7:         if (gActionTarget.ToLower().Contains("calendar") == true && gActionTarget.ToLower().Contains("event") == false)
   8:         {
   9:             BuildListItems(e, lstCalendar);
  10:             return;
  11:         }
  12:         //識別是否指定行事曆的事件
  13:         if (gActionTarget.ToLower().Contains("event") == true)
  14:         {
  15:             BuildListItems(e, lstItems);
  16:             return;
  17:         }
  18:     }
  19:     else
  20:     {
  21:         if (e.Error != null)
  22:             MessageBox.Show(e.Error.Message.ToString());
  23:     }
  24: }


b. 取得指定行事曆的項目清單

    b-1. 針對ListBox註冊SelctionChanged的事件,並且根據選定的Calendar要求取得事件清單;

   1: private void lstCalendar_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
   2: {
   3:     //取得指定的calendar id與組成/CALENDAR_ID/events的path
   4:     string tId = ((ListDataItem)lstCalendar.SelectedItem).id;
   5:     gActionTarget = string.Format("/{0}/events", tId);
   6:     //要求取得事件清單
   7:     this.gLiveClient.GetAsync(gActionTarget);
   8: }

    b-2. 取得事件清單的結果:

   1: {
   2:    "data": [
   3:       {
   4:          "id": "event.d3b0749cf3ca9d66.947c72bb3655411f8603f592cd172351.ec6a67459e1942a582a14d276c66b6c8", 
   5:          "name": "新約會1", 
   6:          "description": "加一個新約會到預設的行事曆裡 - 1", 
   7:          "calendar_id": "calendar.d3b0749cf3ca9d66.947c72bb3655411f8603f592cd172351", 
   8:          "from": {
   9:             "name": "Pou", 
  10:             "id": ""
  11:          }, 
  12:          "start_time": "2012-03-31T16:00:34+0800", 
  13:          "end_time": "2012-04-03T16:00:34+0800", 
  14:          "location": null, 
  15:          "is_all_day_event": false, 
  16:          "is_recurrent": false, 
  17:          "recurrence": null, 
  18:          "reminder_time": null, 
  19:          "availability": "busy", 
  20:          "visibility": "public", 
  21:          "created_time": "2012-03-31T08:00:46+0000", 
  22:          "updated_time": "2012-03-31T08:00:46+0000"
  23:       }, {
  24:          "id": "event.d3b0749cf3ca9d66.947c72bb3655411f8603f592cd172351.73241c65e42c40fbac5fbe38d4a1eb8a", 
  25:          "name": "新約會2", 
  26:          "description": "加一個新約會到預設的行事曆裡 - 2", 
  27:          "calendar_id": "calendar.d3b0749cf3ca9d66.947c72bb3655411f8603f592cd172351", 
  28:          "from": {
  29:             "name": "Pou Lin", 
  30:             "id": "d3b0749cf3ca9d66"
  31:          }, 
  32:          "start_time": "2012-03-31T16:07:23+0800", 
  33:          "end_time": "2012-04-03T16:07:23+0800", 
  34:          "location": null, 
  35:          "is_all_day_event": false, 
  36:          "is_recurrent": false, 
  37:          "recurrence": null, 
  38:          "reminder_time": null, 
  39:          "availability": "busy", 
  40:          "visibility": "public", 
  41:          "created_time": "2012-03-31T08:07:26+0000", 
  42:          "updated_time": "2012-03-31T08:07:26+0000"
  43:       }
  44:    ]
  45: }


c. 新增事件至自己或指定的Calendar

    c-1.  建立要加入的path,將事件加入其中;

   1: private void btnAddPEvent_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
   2: {
   3:     //增加事件至指定的Calendar
   4:     //string tPostPath = string.Format(@"/{0}/events",
   5:     //                        ((CalendarItem)lstCalendar.SelectedItem).id);
   6:     //增加事件至預設的Calendar
   7:     string tPostPath = "/me/events";
   8:     //增加事件的body
   9:     DataEntity.EventEntity tEvent = new DataEntity.EventEntity();
  10: = "新約會";
  11:     tEvent.description = "加一個新約會到預設的行事曆裡";
  12:     tEvent.start_time = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ");
  13:     tEvent.end_time = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(3).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ");
  14:     tEvent.location = "";
  15:     tEvent.is_all_day_event = false;
  16:     tEvent.availability = "busy";
  17:     tEvent.visibility = "public";
  19:     //採用Post把資料送出去
  20:     this.gLiveClient.PostAsync(tPostPath, tEvent.ToJSON());
  21: }

           在這邊要注意新增事件的start_time與end_time的時間格式為:ISO 8601。

    c-2. 新增成功的訊息;

   1: {
   2:    "id": "event.d3b0749cf3ca9d66.947c72bb3655411f8603f592cd172351.ec6a67459e1942a582a14d276c66b6c8", 
   3:    "name": "新約會", 
   4:    "description": "加一個新約會到預設的行事曆裡", 
   5:    "calendar_id": "calendar.d3b0749cf3ca9d66.947c72bb3655411f8603f592cd172351", 
   6:    "from": {
   7:       "name": "Pou", 
   8:       "id": ""
   9:    }, 
  10:    "start_time": "2012-03-31T16:00:34+0800", 
  11:    "end_time": "2012-04-03T16:00:34+0800", 
  12:    "location": null, 
  13:    "is_all_day_event": false, 
  14:    "is_recurrent": false, 
  15:    "recurrence": null, 
  16:    "reminder_time": null, 
  17:    "availability": "busy", 
  18:    "visibility": "public", 
  19:    "created_time": "2012-03-31T08:00:46+0000", 
  20:    "updated_time": "2012-03-31T08:00:46+0000"
  21: }

     c-3. 透過OnPostCompleted事件來處理回傳的結果;

   1: private void OnPostCompleted(object sender, LiveOperationCompletedEventArgs e)
   2: {
   3:     if (e.Error == null)
   4:     {
   5:         //識別是否存在16個參數,代表成功;
   6:         if (e.Result.Keys.Count == 16)
   7:         {
   8:             string tMsg = string.Format("created success!! \nid:{0}", e.Result["id"]);
   9:             MessageBox.Show(tMsg);
  10:         }
  11:     }
  12:     else
  13:     {
  14:         if (e.Error != null)
  15:             MessageBox.Show(e.Error.Message.ToString());
  16:     }
  17: }


d. 執行畫面




1. 利用UploadAsync上傳檔案至Skydrvie,不可以指定上傳的資料夾;

    =>指定的話,錯誤:「Could not determine the upload location.  Make sure the path points to a file resource id.」;

2. 要上傳檔案至指定的目錄的話,需改用POST的方式,透過REST與AccessToken的搭配來上傳檔案;









Live Connect Reference

Windows Phone 7 学习使用Live SDK & Windows Phone 7 – 学习使用Live SDK

Live Connect Downloads & Folders and Files (重要)

How can I navigate from a windows phone 7 app to (or point to) a pdf file which is hosted in web server

SkyDrive APIs for Docs and Photos—now ready to cloud enable apps on Windows 8, Windows Phone and more

In C#, given a DateTime object, how do I get a ISO 8601 date in string format?

How to get and edit the default Styles of the Silverlight for WP7 Toolkit controls

How to: Serialize and Deserialize JSON Data (重要)

DataContractJsonSerializer in .NET 3.5

Convert objects to JSON in C# using JavaScriptSerializer

How to Get Files From Resources in Silverlight 2.0  & Issue: read zip using Application.GetResourceStream

File upload to skydrive (重要) & Skydrive API for WP7

SkyDrive usage through Live SDK on Windows Phone


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